Are you SAD this winter?

It’s January here in New Jersey: the weather is frigid, the days are short, and the holiday season is over, leaving our bank accounts drained and our moods anti-climactic. It’s not unusual to have a case of the “winter blues” but if you experience recurrent bouts of depression at this time of year, you may be suffering from seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

What is SAD?

Seasonal affective disorder is a form of major depressive disorder that is triggered by the shorter days of fall and winter. The lack of sunlight causes people with seasonal depression to experience all the classic symptoms of major depressive disorder, including persistently low mood, loss of interest, feelings of low self esteem, changes in energy levels, appetite, and/or psychomotor activity, decreased concentration and even suicidal thoughts. Seasonal affective disorder is more common in women and younger people and is particularly common in those who suffer from bipolar disorder.

How is SAD treated?

Thankfully, there are several effective treatments for SAD. These include light therapy, antidepressant medication, talk therapy, or a combination of all three.

Light therapy

Studies have shown that light therapy is the gold standard of treatment for seasonal affective disorder. Many of my SAD patients have had remarkable results with light therapy, which involves daily morning-time use of a light box for 30 minutes at the start of each day. Several of my patients start using their light boxes as early as August, when the days begin to shorten and seasonal depression creeps in. Most choose to start by the fall and continue until winter ends. Light therapy requires some discipline. To get the best results, it should be done every morning, which can be a challenge when hurrying to get ready for the day. Fortunately, light therapy can be done while sipping your morning coffee or catching up on emails, allowing for multi-tasking and better morning time efficiency.

Besides using a light box, there are other ways to increase your light-exposure during the dark winter months. Get outside and enjoy the sun whenever possible. Take up an outdoor winter sport. If you’re lucky enough to escape to a sunnier climate for a couple of weeks, do it!

Anti-depressant medication

Anti-depressant medications, including the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Lexapro (escitalopram), and non-SSRIs such as Wellbutrin (bupropion) are effective treatments for seasonal affective depression.

Talk therapy

Talk therapy (also known as psychotherapy), particularly cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), has also been proven effective in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder.

Adopt a Scandinavian lifestyle

The Nordic countries are known for their dark and frigid winters. Despite the harsh climate, their rates of seasonal depression are lower than expected. Some of this may be due to their genetics, but their uniquely “Scandi” lifestyle also plays a protective role. In these northern countries, people are encouraged to take every opportunity to get outside and soak up the sun’s rays. Popular outdoor winter sports, such as skiing, provide a healthy dose of both exercise and sunlight. Even while indoors, their modern, minimalistic style of decorating, encourages ample natural light, with its mood-boosting power. In addition, the practice of “hygge”, with its focus on coziness (think hot tea, glowing candles and a roaring fireplace) encourages social connections and makes being indoors a pleasure.


If you, or someone you care about, struggles with recurrent bouts of depression during the fall and winter seasons, it is important to seek an accurate diagnosis and care from a trained mental health professional. SAD can lead to poor functioning and increased risk of suicide. Fortunately, SAD responds well to an integrative treatment approach which incorporates light therapy, medication and psychotherapy.

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