Post-Election Stress: Coping with Political Anxiety


January 20th marks Inauguration Day, a momentous occasion in American politics. As the date draws near, I find myself anticipating a resurgence of what some mental health professionals have termed “Post-Election Stress Disorder”.

The months leading up to the 2024 election were characterized by high levels of tension for Americans on both sides of the political divide. The growing political polarization in the United States has resulted in very mixed reactions to the election results. While some are hopeful, others are experiencing feelings of anxiety, betrayal, anger and fear. These emotions are common in times of uncertainty. However, for those with existing anxiety disorders or a history of trauma, these feelings can be even more profound. So, how have people been coping with this surge of political stress? I polled my patients to discover how they’ve been harnessing their resilience during these uncertain political times.

1. Take a Break from Social Media

Social media can be a source of both connection and stress. In the wake of election results, many people have found themselves scrolling endlessly through posts that amplify their anxiety. I’ve encouraged my patients to take regular breaks from social media—whether that’s temporarily deleting apps or setting strict time limits on social media use. A little distance can allow for mental clarity and reduce the overwhelming flood of opinions and news updates. Taking a break isn’t about ignoring the world around you—it’s about creating space for your mind to heal and process at your own pace.

2. Focus on What You Can Control

Politics can feel all-consuming, but it’s important to remember that we can’t control everything. I’ve found that patients who focus on what they can control—such as their personal relationships, work, hobbies, or physical health—report feeling more empowered and grounded. In times of political unrest, focusing on your personal well-being can provide a sense of stability. Whether that’s through meditation, exercise, or spending quality time with loved ones, focusing on the present moment helps combat feelings of helplessness.

3. Take Political Action

For some, taking political action is a way to channel anxiety into positive change. My patients who engage in activism—whether through voting, attending rallies, contacting elected officials, or supporting grassroots movements—report feeling a sense of purpose and empowerment. While it’s important to respect boundaries and avoid burnout, taking action in a way that aligns with your values can help you feel like you are making a difference in the world.


Post-election stress is real, and it affects people in varying degrees, depending on their mental health, personal experiences, and political perspectives. But just as the election season brings stress, it also reveals the resilience of individuals navigating uncertain times. Whether through disconnecting from social media, focusing on personal empowerment, or engaging in political activism, there are ways to cope and reclaim a sense of peace. As Inauguration Day approaches, it’s crucial to take care of your mental health, stay connected with supportive communities, and remember that while we cannot control the outcome, we can control how we respond to it.

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